Amazing YT Channel

So I've been watching this channel for more than 2 years and they have yet to reach 1 Mil subscribers. They focus on "science" videos and basic tutorials or entertainment.

The channel is called the Modern Rogue.

The whole premise of they're channel is to be the Perfect Modern Rogue

A Warrior
A Gentleman
A Scoundrel

They make amazing content (and stupidly crazy if I might add), and You can't and won't be able to watch one video and not see another one. You will be waiting every Friday they post just to watch them. They make literally the most greatest content one man could ever see. That's why I highly advise you to watch them. You won't be disappointed when you watch them.

Thank for reading and bye!

Modern Rogue's description:

Brian Brushwood and Jason Murphy, professional idiots, field test the things that will make you the most interesting person in the room. Episodes publish every Friday at 10am CT
Up-to-date Image of Modern Rogue Youtube Channel as of 3/29/2019 10:49 PM

Welcome to my new blog!

Hello! I'm Dead.

You're looking at my new blog where I will post really about anything I enjoy during my Internet adventures.

Now to introduce myself properly.

I'm a musician currently playing piano. I own a Oxygen49 keyboard and use Ableton Suite to make my music.
I'm enjoy myself a little bit of coding. Currently I'm doing web design. I currently know the basics of it (HTML, CSS, Javascript) and I'm working my way up to PHP. I prefer Visual Studio Code, but I have used other programs before.

I'm into memes, which is to be expected if you're on the Internet.

I do browse 4chan just to see what they are up to.

I also have browsed the Deep/Dark Web before but don't use it for drugs or anything.

That about it for now, I'll see you later. Bye.

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